Who We Are

We’re a bootstrapped, remote digital marketing agency with deep roots in the Midwest.

Our Story So Far

Our company is young, but in case you’re wondering, here’s a short timeline of our story.

  • 2017

    Jake Hundley founds Evergrow Marketing while working at his day job in Kansas City. As a solo venture, Jake focuses on custom solutions combined with a non-aggressive sales approach and experiences modest and steady growth over the next two years.

  • 2019

    Over in Iowa, Cody See (a former coworker from a previous advertising agency) convinces Jake to let him join Evergrow as a partner. The business is restructured to accommodate the change, and services are redesigned to scale more easily.

  • 2021

    After months of explosive growth, Jake and Cody can’t keep up with the work by themselves anymore. Evergrow Marketing recruits their first full-time team member.
  • &


    We’re still growing and adding to our story. What about you? If you need help growing, that’s what we do!

How We’re Different

We can sum up what makes us different in three points.

1. Performance-Focused

You can’t pay bills with likes or impressions. The same goes for brand awareness. Your business needs leads and inquiries to make money, so that’s our focus.

2. Hands-Off

Outsourcing your marketing doesn’t make much sense when you spend the same amount of time talking to your agency as you would doing the work yourself. That’s why we focus on hands-off marketing strategies. As you might expect, the more money you spend with us, the more we have to bug you. Still, we know your time is valuable, so we’ll only ask for the least amount necessary to get the job done.

3. Mutually Profitable

When you spend money with us, you should make more money in return — but just like any successful business, we need to make a profit too. We are constantly testing and searching for new strategies to get the best results for your marketing budget without running ourselves into the red. When we find a winner, we offer it as a service. If we can’t make the numbers work, then no matter how popular the trend is, we have to say no (we’re looking at you, TikTok).

Why You Shouldn’t or Should Choose Us

We’re not a good fit for everyone. To avoid wasting your time and money only to leave you feeling disappointed in the end, here are a few reasons why you might not like working with us. At the same time, our happiest clients all have a few things in common, so if our reasons why you should make sense to you, then you’ll probably be happy too.


No Immediate Results

What we do takes time. Nobody wants to hear it, but due to the seasonality of the industry, our results are the most dramatic when compared year-over-year. To some extent, you have to view digital marketing as an investment. If you expect inquiries to be overflowing within the first month or two, we’re probably not a good fit for each other.


Steady, Sustainable Growth

If you have the processes and systems in place to take on new customers, you can count on us to send them your way. In the past, we’ve even had to pause advertising campaigns because they delivered more leads than the business could handle. Sounds like a good problem to have, right?

We're Marketers (Not Designers)

While we also build websites, our area of expertise is marketing. As a result, you might find our web design skills limited. If we talk and determine your design goals are beyond our scope, we’ll provide referrals for web design agencies better suited to accommodate your needs.

Websites Built to Perform

We design websites to get your business leads and look nice, in that order. When people design websites to look fancy and then get leads, they miss out on business opportunities. If you want to turn down jobs or clients, that’s totally up to you. We just don’t want your website deciding that first.

Some Technical Knowledge Required

To put it bluntly, we are a marketing agency, not your tech support team. We assume you have a basic understanding of technology and can handle simple tasks like setting up email on your phone and following step-by-step instructions when needed.

Green Industry Advantage

Since we advertise for so many businesses in the green industry, we collect more data in one week than most marketing agencies can collect in an entire year. When we launch new marketing campaigns, we already know what works. That means better, faster results (and less money wasted on your end).

We Need Your Feedback

Our reports only show a limited view of the results we’re driving for your business. We still need your feedback to make sure the leads you’re getting are the kind of leads you want. If you’re going to ghost us for months then complain that your leads suck, that’s partially on you.

Partners for the Long Haul

Digital marketing agencies tend to pop up and blow away like dandelions in the wind. If you’re looking for a digital marketing partner for the long haul, you can trust us. We’ve been here for years and have no plans to leave anytime soon.

Meet the Team

One time after publishing a job posting, Cody had a friend mention his sister would be a great fit, but she didn’t live in the United States. We said if she spoke English and liked to work, we didn’t care where she lived. She sent us a flawless resume at 1:07 a.m. that same day.

Since then, Evergrow Marketing has been a company of global talent. We don’t lower our quality standards to save on payroll. We simply hire good people, wherever they are.

Jake Hundley

Jake Hundley

Founder & CEO

Jake has been on the sales and account management side of the digital marketing industry since 2015 and founded Evergrow only a couple of years later. Jake’s strengths make his role ideal for sales, client engagement, and consultations — he’s the guy you want to talk to about strategy or just chat about life. On the technical side, he specializes in content marketing, backend SEO, and website builds. Jake’s hobbies include competitive paintball and triathlons. You can learn more about him on his personal website too.

Cody See

Cody See

Director of Operations

Cody has worked in the digital marketing industry since 2014 and is still going strong. From building and ranking his own websites on Google to managing million dollar advertising budgets, there’s very little he hasn’t done. The most reclusive person you’ve never met, Cody loves working in the background and has to hype himself up before making phone calls. In his free time, he enjoys writing at his personal website as well as studying Japanese.

Eva Brooks

Eva Brooks

Digital Marketing Specialist

Eva comes from the Chicago area and is a student at the University of Iowa studying in their prestigious writing program. In addition to implementing SEO tactics, she’s also our go-to writer. When she’s not reading or working on her next book, you can catch Eva at the fencing club (yes, that kind of fencing).

Angie Galue

Angie Galue

Operations Assistant

Angie is a Venezuelan native and earned her B.S. in Technical Communication from Kennesaw State University in Georgia. She primarily focuses on the technical documentation here at Evergrow — making sure that our processes are streamlined and efficient. Angie enjoys listening to true crime podcasts (but not before bed) as well as dog-sitting for her family and friends!

Jay Malongwe

Jay Malongwe

Digital Marketing Specialist

Jay is from Tanzania and holds a bachelor’s degree in Information Security. He has thorough experience in SEO, PPC, and social media advertising. If you ask anyone on the team how they would describe Jay, you’ll hear the same word: Smart. His hobbies include farming / agriculture and traveling.

Want to Work Together?

Fill out the form on our contact page and we’ll get back to you soon.